"Are you trusting one firm for everything?"
"Do you need consultation or an audit?"
"Are you staking your fortune on an untested claim?"
"Are you soaring without a flight plan?"
Check our penetration testing offerings. Our experts provide all forms of penetration testing from automated testing to high end, certified, bespoke engagements, with prices.
We have many consulting firms with decades of experiance providing everything from PCI-DSS and CMMS audits to employee training. You won't find a Cyber Security Adisory service that we don't cover.
Getting in, getting out, migrating, not sure? We can walk you through your options and give you the pros and cons, from every perspective. Our experts have been in it from the beggining and follow it every day.
We are serious about many things at Trimeld, but the first and last is you.Send us a quick note. We'll figure out the specifics. All inquiries get a human response in less than 24 hours.